Our Hangout Place [Fiction 55]

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It was our hangout place

We sat there on the pavements
With pudding in our hands
And spare change 
That could barely be counted

And under the stars
 That we lay every evening
We shared our pain, our anxieties
Our sorrows and our happiness

But never our pudding.

It was our hangout place.
Only ours.

Comments (4)

I noticed something- When you read the first line and then skip to the last one..It has a magical effect...
Not bad, mitra.
I still say your stories are better.
Peace. xD

Yes. And that was the very reaction i was hoping for! :)
And umm, I dunno, I prefer my poems over my stories though...
And that just might be because my last one sucked, or because i just can't come up with new ones.

Peace Out Bitch!

Loved it. Just godamn loved it.
damn, you're good freak brother.
you make me sowww proud :")
--retarded sister :)

Thankyeeewww sistah!
At first the Rembitch didn't believe I wrote it in 55 words, so I asked MS-Word to calculate it for this bitch, and the word count was 55! Thanks for liking it, and do tell me if my stories are better than my poems :)