Red As A Plum

| Posted in , , , | Posted on 6:35 PM

As red as a plum,
She tastes like a cherry
Glows like a tomato
Reminds me of a strawberry
Dipped in chocolate...

Sweeter than sugar cubes
Melting in coffee
More feel-good than a
Handful of psychedelic toffees
In my mouth...

Slower than the creepy crawlies
Feeding on a leaf
Yet craftier and swifter
Than a disguised thief
On his job...

More dangerous than a 
Man with a golden gun,
Stealthier than a deranged
Killer on the run
From the dawn...

And at her feet, 
A Rubik's cube takes the fall
The men just might cringe
But she stands tall
Like a tree...

Many do not believe
But the lone cat had wept,
And in grief and distraught,
She'd thought hard then slept
Like the dead...

Over look the depth with wine and rum
Doesn't she look as red as a plum?


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