Cotton Seeds [Fiction 55]
| Posted in Cotton, Fiction, Fiction 55, Seeds | Posted on 9:23 PM
Cotton seeds
Floating in the wind
Together for a moment...
Then dispersed.
Cotton seeds
Flowing with the wind
A sigh, a gasp...
Then flooded amongst an ocean
A gasp, a sigh
Then left alone, stranded
Cotton seeds
Careless, swift and free
If lying there once...
They needn't forver be
Aren't people just like cotton seeds?
Floating in the wind
Together for a moment...
Then dispersed.
Cotton seeds
Flowing with the wind
A sigh, a gasp...
Then flooded amongst an ocean
A gasp, a sigh
Then left alone, stranded
Cotton seeds
Careless, swift and free
If lying there once...
They needn't forver be